06.01.2006 | Neža MRAMOR-KOSTA | Koincidence preslikav na G-prostorih, 1. del |
13.01.2006 | Andras STIPSICZ | Rational blow-down and small exotic 4-manifolds |
17.02.2006 | Neža MRAMOR-KOSTA | Koincidence preslikav na G-prostorih, 2. del |
24.02.2006 | Franc FORSTNERIČ | Topološke metode v teoriji Steinovih mnogoterosti |
03.03.2006 | Francesco COSTANTINO | Shadow-complexity of 3-manifolds |
10.03.2006 | Katsuya EDA | Atomic property of the fundamental groups of wild Peano continua |
17.03.2006 | Peter PETEK | Ali je kvaternionska Juliajeva množica sfera? |
24.03.2006 | Jure KALIŠNIK | Chern-Simonsove geometrične invariante, 1. del |
31.03.2006 | Jure KALIŠNIK | Chern-Simonsove geometrične invariante, 2. del |
07.04.2006 | Pavel V. SEMENOV | Selections of mappings with values in non-locally convex spaces |
14.04.2006 | Dikran DIKRANJAN | Entropy of endomorphisms of compact groups |
21.04.2006 | Andreas ZASTROW | Applying methods of combinatorial group theory
to the problem of infinite commutator products |
05.05.2006 | Žiga VIRK | Groba geometrija, 1. del |
12.05.2006 | LE Dung Trang | Singular Morse theory |
19.05.2006 | Žiga VIRK | Groba geometrija, 2. del |
26.05.2006 | Vyacheslav V. CHISTYAKOV | A pointwise selection principle for functions of a real variable and
selections of bounded variation |
02.06.2006 | Oleg GUTIK | On countably compact 0-simple and congruence-free topological inverse semigroups |
02.06.2006 | Lyubomyr ZDOMSKYY | Topological spaces close to being sigma-compact |
02.06.2006 | Ihor STASYUK | Extension of pseudometrics in a zero dimensional space |
09.06.2006 | Henry KING | Semiconfiguration spaces of linkages, or how to design a device which will draw a picture or sign your name |
30.06.2006 | Peter AKHMETIEV | Two applications of the Pontryagin-Thom construction in embedding theory |
25.07.2006 | Jerzy DYDAK | Hurewicz Theorem for Nagata-Assouad dimension |
25.08.2006 | Denise HALVERSON | Detecting codimension one manifold factors with general position properties |
25.08.2006 | Jerzy DYDAK | Sublinear Higson corona and Lipschitz extensions |
08.09.2006 | Yukio MATSUMOTO | Elementary surgery on 4-manifolds |
08.09.2006 | Louis FUNAR | The wgsc and qsf tameness conditions for groups |
15.09.2006 | Friedrich HEGENBARTH | The use of controlled surgery in dimension four |
15.09.2006 | Witold ROSICKI | Some remarks on the homotopical dimension |
06.10.2006 | Leonard R. RUBIN | Two difficult problems in extension theory |
06.10.2006 | Jan JAWOROWSKI | The transfer map and degree of maps of free G-manifolds |
13.10.2006 | Dikran DIKRANJAN | On a question of Conway |
20.10.2006 | Sergey M. AGEEV | Universal space for free actions of a compact (non Lie) group |
27.10.2006 | Matija CENCELJ | Asimptotična dimenzija ekspanderjev z velikimi cikli |
10.11.2006 | Eva BERDAJS | Struktura velikega merila in asimptotična dimenzija, 1. del |
17.11.2006 | Eva BERDAJS | Struktura velikega merila in asimptotična dimenzija, 2. del |
24.11.2006 | Martin NIEPEL | Symplectic 4-manifolds with positive signature |
01.12.2006 | Petar PAVEŠIĆ | Stabilni endomorfizmi končnih kompleksov, 1. del |
08.12.2006 | Daniel RUBERMAN | Periodic Dirac operators and positive scalar curvature on 4-manifolds |
08.12.2006 | Andras STIPSICZ | Knot Floer homology and Legendrian knots |
15.12.2006 | Pavel V. SEMENOV | Splitting problem for selections |
22.12.2006 | Umed H. KARIMOV | On non homologically locally connected cohomology manifolds |