Datum | Predavatelj | Naslov predavanja |
11.1. 2002 | Aleš Vavpetič | Homotopski tip klasifikacijskega prostora končne grupe |
25. 1. 2002 | Pawel Traczyk | Conway polynomial for oriented rotant links |
1. 2. 2002 | Pawel Traczyk | Unknotting number and braids |
7. 2. 2002 | Pawel Traczyk | Braid index and the algebraic crossing number |
1. 3. 2002 | Matija Cencelj | Hurewiczev izrek v teoriji dimenzij |
8. 3. 2002 | Umed H. Karimov | On the union of simply connected planar sets and related topics |
15. 3. 2002 | Umed H. Karimov | On pseudohomotopy and pseudocontractibility |
22. 3. 2002 | Neža Mramor-Kosta | Vložitve kompaktov v ravnino |
29. 3. 2002 | Matjaž Željko | Vidljivi del kompakta v Rn |
2. 4. 2002 | Andreas Zastrow | On results in algebraic topology obtained by the method of word sequences |
12. 4. 2002 | Pavel V. Semenov | On controlled extensions of functions |
19. 4. 2002 | Pavel V. Semenov | On recent progress in theory of selections |
26. 4. 2002 | Pavel V. Semenov | On the Banach fixed point principle for multivalued contractions |
10. 5. 2002 | Umed H. Karimov | Union and intersection of homology cells |
17. 5. 2002 | Umed H. Karimov | Axiomatic approach to Euler characteristic |
24. 5. 2002 | Umed H. Karimov | On 2-dimensional planar compacta not homotopy equivalent to 1-dimensional compacta |
31. 5. 2002 | Fulvia Spaggiari | On periodic knots any cyclic presentations of groups |
14. 6. 2002 | Umberto Marconi | Resolvability of topological spaces and groups |
6. 9. 2002 | Alberto Cavicchioli | On certain classes of hyperbolic 3-manifolds |
25. 9. 2002 | Jan Jaworowski | Mod p Chern polynomials for vector bundles with periodic maps |
25. 9. 2002 | Dikran Dikranjan | Separable countably compact groups and the S-problems |
25. 9. 2002 | Witold Rosicki | On uniqueness of Cartesian products of surfaces with boundary |
25.9. 2002 | Andreas Zastrow | Decomposing into 1-dimensional spaces 2-dimensional planar sets that are not homotopy equivalent to anything 1-dimensional |
11. 10. 2002 | Jože Malešič | Kite in Seifertovi krogi |
18. 10. 2002 | Matija Cencelj | Razširljivost preslikav v nilpotentne prostore |
25. 10. 2002 | Matjaž Željko | O spletanju kompaktnih množic |
8. 11. 2002 | Arkadij B. Skopenkov | Basic embeddings into the plane |
15. 11. 2002 | Arkadij B. Skopenkov | Embeddings of homology equivalent manifolds with boundary |
22. 11. 2002 | Wolfgang Heil | Seifert-Takens-Singhoff filling of 3-manifolds |
29. 11. 2002 | Arkadij B. Skopenkov | Invariants of embeddings derived from self-intersections |
6. 12. 2002 | Petar Pavešić | Reducibilnost homotopskih avtoekvivalenc |
13. 12. 2002 | Dennis J. Garity | Curves on surfaces and the relation to equivalent words in free groups |
20. 12. 2002 | Pavle Saksida | Integrabilnost KdV enačbe |